Wörwag Pharma: Competence in Biofactors

Wörwag Pharma GmbH & Co. KG is a pharmaceutical company with subsidiaries worldwide. The company develops and sells biofactor preparations. Biofactors are e. g. vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.

The range of products of Wörwag Pharma comprises both prescription preparations and over the counter (OTC) products and food supplements. Most of the products, which are sold exclusively in pharmacies, are used to treat diabetic comorbidities such as neuropathy (nerve damage) as well as cardiovascular and neurological diseases.

In 2019, the company with a staff of 1,000 employees in more than 35 countries achieved sales of 234 million euros.

Wörwag Pharma is a family-owned company led by Monika Wörwag, Gerhard Mayer, and Jochen Schlindwein.

Dr. Fritz Wörwag founded the company in Stuttgart in 1971. Its headquarters are in Böblingen.

Getting closer. Helping better.

Nasza Misja

Zapewniamy skuteczne rozwiązania terapeutyczne w zakresie profilaktyki i leczenia chorób cywilizacyjnych

Nasze Osiągnięcia

Zajmujemy się obszarami terapeutycznymi takimi jak leczenie chorób współistniejących z cukrzycą oraz schorzeniami układu nerwowego (stany zapalne nerwów, zespół korzeniowy) a leki z naszej oferty są bardzo dobrze znane i cenione zarówno przez lekarzy, farmaceutów, jak i samych pacjentów. Działamy na całym świecie wprowadzając innowacyjne rozwiązania terapeutyczne na rynek farmaceutyczny.

Nasze wartości

  • Jesteśmy odpowiedzialni
  • Jesteśmy zorientowani na cel
  • Szanujemy naszych Klientów
  • Wykonujemy naszą pracę z zaangażowaniem







Firmengründer Dr. Fritz Wörwag Company founder
Dr. Fritz Wörwag
1971Foundation of Wörwag Pharma in
1981 Company starts marketing of magnerot Classic and developing of biofactors in Germany
1993International expansions starts in Hungary launch of the generic product line
Monika Wörwag und Dr. Marcus WörwagGenerational change: Monika Wörwag and
Dr. Marcus Wörwag take over the management
2015Spin-off of the German generics of Wörwag Pharma into AAA Pharma GmbH
2019 Siblings retire from management.
New management:
Gerhard Mayer,
Jochen Schlindwein
1965City pharmacy opened in Zuffenhausen
since 1994 Consistent development of international markets in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
1996 Move to current company headquarter
in Böblingen
since 2010 Expansion to South America and Asia
2016Foundation of sales-companies in Russia, Poland and Peru
2021Addition to the management team:
Dr. Lucia Cinque becomes CINO

Acquisition of own production,
Relocation to the new headquarters


Lokalizacje na świecie


In more than 35 countries, we are already doing business successfully. Our aim is to expand further, above all in Asia and Latin America. We will do this with economic reason – and with our feet on the ground of our Swabian home.

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